Praise Song: “How It Used To Be”

This week’s Praise Song is Kirk Franklin’s “How It Used To Be”.  When listening to this song, it reminds me of the daily battles we go through; these battles cause us to get on & off track in our walk with God.  These battles cause us to turn our backs on God (sometimes) & allow us to lose sight of God.  Our God is such a good God that He never closes the door on us!  He is there with His arms opened wide.  May we always work to remember where we’re going with God, where we came from, & that there’s so much more in store!  Thanking Jesus for dying for our sins in order for us to continue to seek forgiveness & second chances. 

Be encouraged, my friends!

Lyrics | Kirk Franklin lyricsHow It Used To Be lyrics

Until next time. 


© Lisi P, 2011


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