Every Day is a Good Day!!

Lately, I’ve been thinking about how every day is a good day; no matter what these days entail. Each day we’re blessed to see is a day someone didn’t get to see & a day to try to get things right yet again 🙂 We take so much for granted & it’s easy to lose sight of this.

When looking at the news & all that is going on in the world, my prayers go out to those affected by the earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, & more. We look at the TV and begin to wonder, “Why is this happening?” and again, “Why is this happening to them?”. I think that there may be things in life that we don’t receive answers to, but I do believe that God does things to show us that He’s still in control; no matter what things may seem like.

So, my friends, live each day to the fullest; know the opportunities that God presents in each day. We have another opportunity to LIVE & there’s no reason we should waste the opportunity God presents us with. No matter what you see on the news, TV, or read about, focus on God & the fact that “every day is a good day!” Even if something occurs throughout the day that makes you think otherwise, every day is the prime gift to praise God for life, love, & health!

Enjoy your “good day”!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2011


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