Arlisia Potter Bible,Daily Scriptures,life,peace Daily Scriptures 4/21/11

Daily Scriptures 4/21/11

Scripture: Proverbs 17:1 Better a dry crust eaten in peace than a house filled with feasting—and conflict. (NLT)

Nugget: There’s nothing like being surrounding by peace. Most times, we give up this peace based upon our surroundings & who we surround ourselves with. Usually, the more people we have around us, the more strife that occurs. This is why it’s so important to keep these things in check.

Take time to evaluate who & what you have around you. Sometimes, less is truly better; aim towards the peace that you can receive, rather than the conflict & strife that comes with being surrounded by too many of the wrong people & things.

Quote: “It is better to live in peace than in bitterness and strife” –Confucius

© Lisi P, 2011


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