Who’s Waiting On Who?

Are you waiting on God or is God waiting on you?

A friend asked me this question as I explained where I was in the process of editing my first novel and continuing the next steps. At first, I couldn’t believe the question was posed because I have been doing so much to accomplish my goals, while being purposeful in my actions; step-by-step, day-by-day, I’ve continued to be intentional. How could this be a question considering all that I’d done?

There’s always a BUT and a friend to remind me of it. With this being the case, I didn’t understand why this particular question developed into the “but” in my life. It was as if I’d been doing nothing towards my goals that this friend was aware of; yet, she knew of where I was along this journey. Regardless, I thought about it from another perspective rather than my initial reaction.

Have you ever prayed and prayed for something and God not answer you? Or you’ve prayed and prayed, realizing that He had answered you, but not in the way that you wanted? So, you pray and pray again because you want Him to change His response. You may be praying for a certain job, but He’s telling you to apply for another one or to stay where you are. Or you could be praying and He’s answered you and you just don’t want to take the steps He’s directing you to: fear, doubt, and varying emotions have you stuck. However, God has already directed you in what to do next, still there’s no way you think that could be the answer He provided.

This is likely where my friend was coming from. How could I be waiting on God when He’s told me what to do, yet the scary next steps are before me? I’m initiating the steps; nonetheless, I’m taking them the way that I want to not the way that HE wants me to.

Have you been here? Have you been in James 2:20 (NKJV) mode? But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?

Yes, faith without works is dead, yet the actions required of us aren’t the ones that are physical, but spiritual. Knowing that in doing what God says to do is faith at work.

Faith isn’t truly faith if we’re doing it the way what we want to. Faith is walking into what God says, trusting that He’s guiding us into the direction we need to even without us knowing what’s next. Faith isn’t continual prayer hoping that God will change His mind about what He’s told us to do. Faith is knowing what He’s told us to do is the right thing–­­His thing. Faith isn’t hoping to see what’s next. Faith is knowing that what’s next will be okay because God is already there.

I finally understood what my friend meant. It wasn’t about the actions that I’d already taken; it was about the actions I still needed to take with the leap of faith in God attached. It wasn’t about what I had figured out; it was about the things I had yet to see based upon my believing God was already there ahead of me. It was about complete trust in God. He was and is waiting on me to have this. I admit, I’m still growing in some areas while the baby steps of faith are being taken.

Could you be in this place too?

Who’s waiting on who? Are you waiting on God or is He waiting on you?

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2021


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2 thoughts on “Who’s Waiting On Who?”

  1. Wow sis, that was a powerful and convicting word for me. Thanks, I needed that to keep me moving in the direction that will certainly require faith!

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