Faith and Fear

Most of us know that faith & fear cannot exist in the same place. The thing is, I believe that many of us bounce between the two. Rather it depends on our situations or what we’re going through, faith & fear continuously battle.

There are many things that I’ve been praying on & know that God is answering me. However, the “me” in myself is either dragging my feet in taking action or going back & forth between faith & fear. I have to say, that in most cases, I would be moving right along, but for some reason, this is not the case at the moment. I know that God continues to show me the Him in His answers.

With this being said, God’s will & thoughts are truly powerful. No matter what we do, His will & ways will prevail. However, we will either go the path He intends for us to go on or go our way & end up where we’re supposed to in the long run (but our way is most times longer & has a tough lesson attached to it).

Faith & fear cannot co-exist. God continues to show me this. I just pray that the “me” in my situations will move out the way of God. He has so much in store (for all of us).

Is the fear in you getting in the way of God’s plans for you?

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. -II Timothy 1:7 (NIV)

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2011


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