Running and Running Some More…..

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I’ve always considered myself one who loves to workout, go to the gym, & in the past year, one who loves Zumba! However, I’m in the process of challenging myself in the areas of my workouts by preparing for a half-marathon next year. This is truly a challenge because I’ve never considered myself much of a runner 🙂 But I’m up for the challenge.

Last weekend, my friend & I completed our first 5K run! I was so excited for the event & felt even better once we accomplished the goal of completing the race. This gave us the chance to see where we are & where we need to be by the time of the half-marathon next year. Needless to say, we have a way to go, but I feel that we’re starting off at a good pace.

I challenge you to do something you haven’t done before; do something that will take you to the next level personally. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, but didn’t have “the time”? Is there something you’ve been putting off until “tomorrow, next year, or next month”? What if tomorrow never comes? What excuses are you (or have you been making) in order not to just get started. Sometimes, the hardest part is to start!!

My friend & are setting out to complete the half-marathon, but not starting at the half-marathon. There are various 5Ks, walks, & other runs throughout our community in which we will start with in order to prepare for it. We set training schedules to stick to as well. What can you do to prepare for your challenge (or challenges)? Again, I’m not much of a runner, but I’m excited about what we are doing!

I look forward to what’s ahead (& will post blogs on our progress from time-to-time). I’m definitely going to use this year as a year of preparation, both physically & mentally. I’m grateful for a friend who wants to achieve this goal as well & am grateful for my friends & family who have provided many encouraging words when hearing of our decision to complete the half-marathon. The words are much needed & right on time.

Now it’s your turn…..get started.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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