Running Update

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I few weeks ago, I posted about my friend & I training for a half-marathon next year. I must admit that I haven’t been on a strict training schedule these past few weeks. My schedule has been hectic & busy, but I’m really working towards getting that “me” time in.

However, I do have a few upcoming 5Ks and other runs/walks coming up. I’m excited about those. Also, I’ve been back in Zumba (gotta love Zumba!) & doing a lot of walking. I feel that everything will come together, but I’m still determined to get on track with everything. I definitely want to achieve the goal of running/walking the marathon next year.

I hope that you’ve set some goals for yourself as well 🙂 If you’ve gotten “off track” there’s still time to get back on; every day is another opportunity. Don’t let time pass you by & definitely remain encouraged!

I know that many of us set these goals at the beginning of each New Year, but they tend to fade around mid-February to March, but I definitely believe that goals can be made & set throughout the year; we mustn’t limit ourselves to the New Year only.

Just a few words of encouragement for you & me!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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