Arlisia Potter advice,authors,blessings,change,church,God,growth Another 5K Run & Other Health Info

Another 5K Run & Other Health Info

I completed another 5K Run today!  Very proud of myself!  I knocked 5 minutes off my last 5K Run time.  Yay!!  Very excited about this; definitely improving as time goes on.  Also, I recently purchased a pair of good running shoes.  So yep, definitely getting ready for the Disney Princess Half Marathon next year!!

On another health note, I recently completed the Made to Crave class at church.  An awesome & amazing class.  I highly recommend reading the book (&/or taking the class if you have a chance).  The book is by Lysa TerKeurst; it’s definitely not a diet book!  It’s about a lifestyle change.  It’s a reminder that God is concerned about all areas of our lives—including our health & the foods we eat.  Definitely check it out when you get a chance.

I continue to challenge you to be the best you & to do the best you can to step outside of any box you may have put yourself in.  God continually seeks for us to grow & to learn.  Each day is an opportunity for us to do this!!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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2 thoughts on “Another 5K Run & Other Health Info”

  1. Great job on the 5k run!!! I will one day do one of those. Thanks for suggesting that book. She is one of my favorite authors! 🙂 God Bless!

  2. Thanks, Becca! You can do it. 🙂 I also think you'll enjoy the book; it's definitely one I recommend. Blessings.

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