
The past few weeks or so have definitely been challenging work-wise. There are a lot of changes going on, but change in inevitable, right? Through these challenges, I’m continuing to count blessings, no matter what.

This has also gotten me to think & to focus on God & what He’s doing, all He has done, & what’s on the way. I think that God allows us to go through various things in order for us to be reminded of Him & how far we’ve come. I also think that, at times, this can be a reality check for us to see the direction we want to go in & what we’re trying to do in our futures–a reality check on our purpose & if we’re walking in it.

Some of what has been occurring in my life recently is a true reminder about living in the purpose God has for me. For instance, what do I continue to put on the “back burner” for later? Who do I need to contact? What am I waiting on? What am I doing to make things happen? For as we all know, time is precious & we can’t get it back.

I challenge you to do an evaluation of where you are & where you’re trying to go. Are you taking the steps to get there? Are you on the track to achieving that dream you always wanted to or are you waiting for the right time? (Which could be right now, by the way)

I definitely want to walk in the purpose God has for me & in the gifts that He’s instilled in me. I thank God for the challenges He has placed before me because it has been an eye-opening experience regarding using my gifts & not sitting back on what He has called me to do.

Don’t waste your gifts or the time it will take for you to achieve them; time is of the essence & God wants us to use it to the fullest!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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