Take Time

Last Monday, I sent the following message to my friends & family in an email:

“Take time for the people God has put in your life.” -Joel Osteen. Everyone, life is so short; let us not forget the blessings God has placed in our lives. Who do you need to call today? Who haven’t you seen or talked to in a while? Who are you waiting “until tomorrow” to call? Make time for the things & people who are important. We never know when our last day will be. Blessings!”

This message definitely hit home, because on Wednesday, I loss my Grandpa. I’m glad he knew I loved him; I’m grateful for our almost weekly conversations & the time I had with him. I will miss him, but know that he’s with the Lord.

My Grandpa was my only living grandparent. A few years ago, I told myself that I would make & take the time to get to know him (I didn’t meet him until my late teenage years). Although I missed some years with him, the time I had with him will always remain in my heart & be precious to me. Let us take & make the time for loved ones & the people that God has blessed us with. Time is fleeting; life is short. Don’t waste any of it.

Love you, Grandpa! Always in my heart.

Please pray for my family during our time of bereavement. It’s greatly appreciated 🙂

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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