Daily Scriptures 6/20/13

Scriptures: Psalm 106:24-25 24Then they despised the pleasant land; They did not believe His word, 25But complained in their tents, And did not heed the voice of the LORD. (NKJV)

Nugget: Moses was doing as God called him to do in leading the people to the Promised Land. However, along the way, Moses faced many challenges, especially those coming from the people in form of overall complaining. This truly was not an easy task; especially while staying focused on what God had called Him to do.

So many times we complain & complain about our situations or circumstances. How many times do these complaints take us further away from God & all that He has blessed us with? The other day, I asked a friend how he was doing, his response was, “I can’t & won’t complain.” This stuck with me; I can’t & won’t complain, instead I will focus on God & the blessings, as well as lessons, He has for me.

Regardless of what we see & face on a daily basis, don’t let your complaints overshadow or supersede any praises that you can give to God. Your complaints could be the things that are keeping you from hearing God’s voice.

Challenge for today: When you find yourself complaining, counter this with a statement of praise about a blessing!

Quote: “Life is better when it’s spent being grateful that you’re alive instead of complaining how bad it is.” -Unknown

© Lisi P, 2013


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