Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Happy Birthday to me! Thanking God for the blessing of not only another day, but another year. I’m praying that this next year be a great one for me! I’m looking forward to great things from my Father upstairs.

One of my goals this new year is to start a list of things I’ve been “wanting to do” & have been putting off doing (for some reason or another). Some of these items can be “simple” & some a little more than simple, but my goal is to complete the items on the list by my next birthday. I hope to share these experiences with you via my blog!

This is a milestone birthday for me & I feel that change is on the way. This will be a time of regrouping & refocusing for me. There are many things that I need to complete, collectively on a personal, professional, & most importantly, a spiritual, basis.

Thank you all for being a part of my journey & for taking the time to follow my blog, leave comments, & stop by! I hope to be back on the Daily Scriptures soon.

I’m truly blessed by my friends, family, & everything God has allowed to happen in my life.  Without Him, where would I be?

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2013


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