Daily Scriptures 3/4/14

Scripture: Psalm 90:1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. (NIV)

Nugget: My heart & thoughts have been on my grandparents lately. They have all passed & have gone on to be with the Lord; the most recent passing almost 2 years ago. I do miss them & have been reflecting on the things they’ve taught me–the things that I’ll take with me always.

I’m reminded of their faith in God & all that He did for them; these things still impact me & my family today. Even then, all those years ago, God was their dwelling place. He was there for them as He is for me now. God has been the one constant in past generations, the current generation, & the future generations to come.

Without the previous generations believing & trusting in God, I don’t know where I’d be today—they laid the foundation. We serve an awesome God; One who is the thread for the past, present, & future.

Quote: “Blessed be the ties that bind generations.” -Unknown

© Lisi P, 2014


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