Happy Birthday To Me!!!


As I sit on the morning of another birthday, I reflect on God’s goodness & how blessed I truly am. Most times, we don’t realize how blessed we are until we face & overcome something detrimental. How do we miss the blessings in the “little” things? When in reality, the “little” things aren’t so little after all.

Waking up to another day, being clothed in our right minds is more than a little blessing; it’s momentous! For God to see fit to allow us (& bless us) to do so is amazing. So the gift of another birthday is beyond words; especially since I wasn’t supposed to live beyond a certain amount of time after I was born. I was a preemie who came into the world some months early, but God had other plans than what the doctors told my parents.

As I reflect back on this past year, I feel that I’ve been on a journey to becoming a better me. I’ve been working on things I’ve been putting off doing, cleaning my house (including my mind & soul), God has been removing people from my life, & bringing others into my life. I’m beginning to learn to “go with the flow” a little more, or better yet, to trust God a lot more! I’ve been truly trying to sit still in Him & adhere to His will & ways.

So I ask myself, one year ago would I have imagined myself to be where I am today? No way! Last year I was dealing with the aftermath of an auto accident in which I had severe whiplash, pain from other medical concerns, & even a continuous battle with vertigo. Further, I was still coming to terms with the losses of my Grandpa & my hairdresser. There were many challenges & obstacles indeed. But God brought me through & continues to do so.

For this year, I’m planning to continue to work on living through one of my favorite quotes: “Live, Love, Laugh”.   I want to live fully, love completely, & laugh until my stomach hurts. I want to smile when I feel like crying, love when I feel it’s impossible, & live each day like it’s my last. I want to experience all that God has for me, including growing in Him & my relationship with Him.

I thank God for this past year & all that it has done to change me. Without it, I wouldn’t be in a better place; it doesn’t mean things were easy, but they did make me better.

My advice & prayer for you, as I enter this day & another year: “Live, Love, Laugh.”  Let God do these things completely in you & through you!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2014


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