Daily Scriptures 2/24/15

Scriptures: Psalm 19:7-8 7The teachings of the LORD are perfect; they give new strength. The rules of the LORD can be trusted; they make plain people wise. 8The orders of the LORD are right; they make people happy. The commands of the LORD are pure; they light up the way. (NCV)

Nugget: Anything from the Lord is solid & unmovable. From His teachings, rules, orders, & commands, they all have an outcome that is good for us. They are a demonstration of His love. There’s nothing God is doing, has done, or will do that doesn’t have some blessing for us.

These scriptures also indicate the results of God’s hands: strength, perfection, wisdom, happiness, & light. Who else can give us all of these things as a result of our experiences with them?! Even if the journey can be a rollercoaster at times, once everything settles, the end results are everything God intended them to be.

Quote: “Have faith, keep praying, and be thankful! Remember: God’s answers are wiser than your prayers.” -Unknown

© Lisi P, 2015


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