Daily Scriptures 4/13/15

Scripture: Luke 11:28 He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” (NIV)

Nugget: In this scripture, Jesus was providing a response to a woman’s praise indicated in the scripture before. He was reminding the woman about those who are blessed—the ones who hear God’s word & obey it.

Hearing & obeying God’s word is a daily walk for us. There are many days in which I pray for my way & will to decrease & for God’s to increase. There are many times where I can get in God’s way. As long as I’m following Him, & remind myself that He’s in control, I can get back on track.

God isn’t asking us to be perfect, but to follow Him. Even if this is something we have to remind ourselves daily, we’re continuing to grow in Him & through Him.

Quote: “God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him.” -Jim Elliot

© Lisi P, 2015


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