Daily Scriptures 6/23/16

Scripture: Psalm 105:41 He opened the rock, and water gushed out; It ran in the dry places like a river. (NKJV)

Nugget: Only God can speak to a rock & have water come out. Not only that, the water flowed so much that it was like a river. When we read what God did “back in the day”, we only get a glimpse of the miraculous things that He’s done. So if He did these things back then, why wouldn’t He be able to handle & grant the things we pray for now, according to His will?

I heard the other day, instead of us complaining about our problems, we should be talking about God & our blessings. In doing this, we can see the everyday miracles that He gives us without us even asking. So imagine what He can & will do if we just believe—letting Him do His work. This is someone who caused water to come out of a rock! Surely, He can handle everything else.

Quote: “I believe if you put your trust in God and let all things go through Him, you will be amazed at all the miracles He can perform.” –JarOfQuotes.com

© Lisi P, 2016


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