Daily Scriptures 3/7/17

Scripture: Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. (NKJV)

Nugget: This scripture mentions some very important truths: to owe no one anything & to love. However, there are many who owe others something (whether it be money, time, etc.) & expect love in return, but this isn’t how it’s meant to be.

Things shouldn’t be borrowed that can’t be returned or paid back, & we shouldn’t expect love in return for the things that we do; especially concerning the things that God has put on our hearts or has told us to do. The importance of any action should be a reflection of God & His love—this includes the things, money, jobs, etc. that He’s blessed us with.

Is the unconditional love of God & for others the motivation for your actions (including loving, borrowing without repaying a debt, etc.)? If not, a self-check should occur to align with Him. Being a reflection of God & His love shouldn’t include actions that are unlike Him or have conditions attached.

Quote: “Instead I ought to be grateful to Him who never owed me anything for having been so generous to me, rather than think that He deprived me of those things or has taken away from me whatever He did not give me.” -René Descartes

© Lisi P, 2017


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