Are You Different?

The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted everyone in some way; whether it be mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, there are aspects of our lives that have changed & will never be the same again.

The changes involve what used to be our normal: a quick trip to the grocery store, a walk in the park, participating in runs, going to church, going to school, visiting friends & family, etc. These events are so different now to the point where I know that I was taking these simple acts for granted. Even now, I miss what once was.

With so many changes & differences in existence now, I began to look internally to see the changes & differences that I’ve noticed within myself. Have I been using this time in a manner that has not been filled with anxiety and/or fear? Am I being productive? Are there things that I’ve been putting off doing for another day that could be done now? The list can go on & on. But I do notice the changes from within, even the changes that involve deep self-reflection & acknowledgement of areas for growth. Believe me this hasn’t been easy, but it is necessary. Also, during this time, I finished the first draft of my book, walked 3+ miles daily, caught up on some cleaning, & more. There’s positive in the middle of the all that’s going on!

I pose these questions to you—are you different because of this? Are there things that you’ve put off doing that you were able to accomplish during this time? Has reflection occurred regarding who & what you could’ve been taking for granted? Don’t let your ‘different’ outcome be consumed with worry, doubt, fear, or anxiety. Find & live in the positive that’s available.

Not one of us should come out of this time in history the same as we were when it began. We should be different, & prayerfully, in a positive way. This is not to say that negative doesn’t exist in all of this (my thoughts & prayers are & continue to be with those infected, affected, & who have lost loved ones). But there should be at least one thing each of us can say that we’ve learned from it all.

May you find your ‘different’ in this season, living each day as the gift that it is, & taking nothing & no one for granted. May your ‘different’ be better than ever before & the normal that’s coming be a season to grow in rather than fear.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2020


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