Arlisia Potter Bible,change,Daily Scriptures,God Daily Scriptures 8/20/10

Daily Scriptures 8/20/10

Scripture: II Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (NIV)

Nugget: Knowing Christ for yourself & accepting Him as your Lord & Savior makes you a new person/creation! Having Christ in your heart & doing your best to live according to His will & His ways changes you. This transformation makes the old “you” go away to the point you don’t even recognize who you used to be!!

I thank God daily for changing me & continuing to change me. I thank God when people say “I remember when you used to…” “Used to” are the opportune words here!! “Used to” but not anymore!

Thanking God for changing the old into the new!!

Quote: “All that you touch You Change. All that you Change, Changes you. The only lasting truth is Change. God is Change.” –Octavia Butler

© Lisi P, 2010


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