Home Sweet Home

One year ago today, I moved into my place. Amazing how fast this year has gone by! 3 of my good friends helped me to move in. 2 were there through the whole process from the beginning & my other friend has his own moving company & took time out of his schedule to do me a favor. I also had other friends who helped me move the remaining of my stuff throughout the week! I’ve heard the saying that, “you learn who your true friends are when you’re moving”. I can definitely see truth in this statement. Because moving last year, was no joke! But we got it done for sure 🙂 I am truly blessed to have such great friends!

A lot has changed with the place over the year; I learned more about decorating, my likes & dislikes & more. I still have more to go, but I’m happy with how things are progressing!! I’m sure that there’s more learning on the way, though. But no worries, things always have a way of falling into place.

I give God all the credit & the glory for the blessings He’s allowed me to have. Believe me, I know it’s not because I’ve been so good. However, I do believe that we’re all a continuous work in progress. With this being said, God’s not done yet! I’m learning more & more about being content with where I am & being content with where God’s leading me.

My home feels like Home Sweet Home now. It’s a good feeling.

With God all things are possible.
Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2010


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2 thoughts on “Home Sweet Home”

  1. Hey friend!

    Very sweet post! So glad that your home feels like home sweet home!

    And YES, we are all definitely a work in progress!

    Happy Easter!

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