Arlisia Potter careers,jobs,lessons,life Still Learning….

Still Learning….

Okay all, I’m still learning the important of rest.  Had to stay home from work today due to me getting sick.  And anyone who knows me knows that I do not like sitting still!!  I may have to stay out tomorrow too 🙁  But our bodies let us know when something is wrong & we need to take heed!

As the year continues on, I also continue to learn about people, myself, and growth.  I’m glad to see the progression in myself & in those around me.  I’m glad to see my friends achieving goals they’ve set for themselves as well as those who are setting goals to achieve.  We all should have something we’re working on.

I’ve learned in the past year, that I can start a new job & excel in it.  I’ve learned that I can accomplish things I’ve set out to do & a few things I didn’t know I could do 🙂  I’ve learned to keep working on the next thing–to step out on faith.  Learning & still learning……

Thanking God for all opportunities & more!!

“Though no-one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end.” -Unknown

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2010


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