Arlisia Potter lessons,life,relationships,single For My Singletons, Pt. 12

For My Singletons, Pt. 12

Hey fellow Singletons!! I have a story for you. It’s about the hook-ups and mix-ups of being set-up!! A friend of mine was introduced to this guy by her friend. The friend thought that they would be a “great” match for each other & had been trying to introduce the two for years. After a few conversations and many text messages later, the new duo decided to meet! Oh what a joyful occasion it is to meet the one you’ve been communicating with & the feeling that comes with it!

So my friend got the chance to meet the young man on his own territory. When I say “territory”, boy do I mean it. This young man let my friend know that his aunt & mother came to visit him unexpectedly at the last minute. So basically, my friend was walking into an interesting situation. When she arrived, the introductions were nice & pleasant enough; however, nice & pleasant can become something else entirely.

My friend received a nice tour of the home, in which, she & the young man had good conversation & touched based on previous topics of the text messaging & phone correspondence. After a little time had passed, the mother came in & ended the conversations by letting her son (little boy) know, that it was, “Time for him to go to bed, as he had to work tomorrow”. Now this would be understandable if we were dealing with a teenager living at home, but not a GROWN man living in his OWN place, paying his own bills with his name on the mortgage. Next, the son was questioned about having to take my friend home, “You mean you gotta take her home too?!” (Now wouldn’t this be the gentlemanly thing to do, mom???) Not only were her comments rude & unexpected, but the “young man” whispered to my friend that he’s “sorry” that his mom acted in such a manner. Mind you ladies, he was whispering in his own home, where he pays his own bills, to a guest he invited over.

My friend handled this situation way better than I think I would’ve. I really would’ve had to remember my Christian values because such rudeness is uncalled for! The funny thing is, at the end of the evening the guy told my friend that his mom “liked her because my mom asked for your name.” Yeah, right. She probably was remembering for her own reasons.

For some reason, the friend match-making business has not worked out for me & my single friends for the past year. I don’t know what the new thing is to hook people up with people you’re not compatible with, but it’s not working! To make this even more interesting, the friend who hooked them up was related to the guy (now shouldn’t you know your own family?)

A tip for the Singletons, beware of the hook-ups and mix-ups of being set-up!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2010


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