Trying to Catch Up with Time!

Okay, so I know this isn’t possible, but I’m trying to catch up with time, LOL. This year continues to pass us quickly by! There’s still so much I have left to do. Hopefully, I can get it done in “time”.

Well, the Professor in me is doing well. I’m enjoying instructing and the students are good. There’s definitely a continuous learning cycle for me going on. It’s an exciting experience. My daily job is going well too. I can’t believe it’s been 10 months already on my job! I might as well say, it’s almost a year. I’m continuing to learn there & am enjoying it. 🙂

With Thanksgiving on the horizon and Christmas around the corner, there’s a lot left to do! I did buy my first Christmas tree for my new place. I cannot wait to decorate it. I already have the spot picked out where I want it to be.

Black Friday is coming!! I’m looking for some good deals. There’s nothing I particularly need, but maybe a few things I want. I think I’ll browse around for things for my family & friends. Can’t wait to see what deals are out there!

Okay everyone, let’s buckle down & hang on for the ride. 2009 is ending sooner than later. Let us get things in order, move things out of the way that don’t need to be around us, & continue to be better & do better than we have the day before! 2010 is coming & we want a great start!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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