Daily Scriptures 3/23/17

Scriptures: Daniel 6:4-5 4Then the other administrators and high officers began searching for some fault in the way Daniel was handling government affairs, but they couldn’t find anything to criticize or condemn. He was faithful, always responsible, and completely trustworthy. 5So they concluded, “Our only chance of finding grounds for accusing Daniel will be in connection with the rules of his religion.” (NLT)

Nugget: Daniel, along with two other administrators, were chosen by the king to lead the empires, but Daniel showed himself more capable than the other two, & the king wanted to promote him to be over the entire empire (the favor of God was on Daniel!). Daniel’s new appointment didn’t sit well with the other two administrators & they plotted against Daniel, looking to find fault in him, when there wasn’t one; however, they decided to attack Daniel based upon his religion.

There are some people who will not be happy for you when you’re promoted, doing well, & moving forward in the blessings God has given you. Most won’t understand that it’s God’s hand, calling, & favor that elevated you to where you are! But while some aren’t happy for you & are looking for fault, God keeps blessing you! In spite of what the administrators plotted for Daniel, Daniel prevailed through God! God was with him the entire time.

If someone isn’t happy for you & want to find fault, that’s their issue—keep walking in God’s favor. No one can take away what God has blessed you with & no one can remove you from where He’s placed you.

Quote: “Grace carried me here and by grace I will carry on.” –instapray.com

© Lisi P, 2017


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