For My Singletons: Pt. 9

I’ve been trying to figure out how to write this one, so here goes. A little while ago, a married man asked me for my number. I don’t know if he thought I was crazy or naive or what, but he was not getting that or anything else from me. I don’t get it, why would a married person think I would want him? This particular person has a lot of children too; why don’t these people respect their marriage & family & God? It’s sad because a lot of the married ones who approach me or my friends are “Christians”.


I just think about the women who probably tell these men “yes” & end up in some crazy situation. Look at the whole Steve McNair situation; no one deserves to die like that, but we must know that our decisions have consequences behind them & you never know how someone will react.
This posting doesn’t just go for my single women who are being approached by men, because I’m sure there are single guys who are being approached by married women. I just pray for the marriages out there; the true marriages where the couples are seeking God, trying to live & to do right. It gives us single people hope that these marriages do exist & are the way that God has designed marriage to be.
As for myself & my single friends, we want our own marriages, not to be in the midst of someone else’s. Prayer is key for all of us.
Until next time.
~Lisi P.
© Lisi P, 2009


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