
6 months ago yesterday, I started my “new” job. Time definitely does fly! I can say, I’ve made a lot of progress & see the growth I’ve had during this time. It’s such a good feeling for me 🙂 I do like what I do, so this is a true blessing considering a lot of people cannot say that. I recently returned from a conference that helped to tie a few things together.

Also, during the last 6 months, I’ve had some major changes occur: moving, evaluations of friendships, and more. I think that the evaluation of friendships has been such a eye opener for me. There have been so many people who’ve shown me their “true selves” (as Maya Angelou would say). I’m talking about those who will call only when they need a “favor” to those who visited my home & would not get out the car (yes, I’m serious). People will show you who they truly are, if you take a closer look! And the “looks” I’ve come across are true jealousy & being envious. Which is truly sad considering most of the people know the struggle I’ve been through. I’ve seen the heart of them & glad that God has revealed this to me (& for some, it was just confirmation as to what I was praying on).

With this being said, life is too short to hang on to those who do not mean you any good. It’s too short to waste any time on those who aren’t contributing to your growth (especially your growth in the Lord). Do the evaluations if need be; we are more than 1/2 way through the year & time is not slowing down!!! With the time I have, I chose to be happy & joyful with all that God has given me (from life to friends to His Word alone!!)

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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