Chi-Town 2009!!

I returned yesterday from my first work conference & from my first trip to Chicago! The conference was informative, Chi-Town was great, & the weather was on-point!! I tell you, it was great getting away from the 90+ we’ve been having here!!!!

Not much to report from Day 1: settling in at the hotel, recovering from the flight, & getting used to the time change. But the hotel I stayed at was really nice; there was one glitch in the communication between the hotel & my job regarding payment, it was eventually settled though. However, the first person to help me at the hotel was not too impressive. BUT, the other employees made up for it.

Also, during Day 1, I realized I left the other 1/2 of my phone charger at home (the part that plugged into the wall!!), so I spent a lot of time in the Business Center charging the phone on the computer. I swear if I had my last phone, this would not have happened!! hahaha 🙂 But it worked itself out. (Thank goodness for the person over registration who also let me use her computer to charge my phone during the conference!)

Day 2 was the start of the conference. I met a lot of people in my field from all over the U.S. It was good to see others who do the same thing I do & who are also getting started in the field. Later, my newfound friends & I attended the “Taste of Chicago” & also walked along the Navy Pier in downtown Chicago. I had a great time at the “Taste” & sampled a lot of good food. In addition, the eye candy was good!!! (Cute cops in Chi-town!!)

By Day 3, the conference was more than 1/2 done & we realized more & more about our jobs. Later, my new friend, Amie & I, decided to venture out to the Cheesecake Factory on Michigan Street (which is full of the best stores & sites!!). Afterwards, our true adventure began in trying to find The Oprah Show. We didn’t find Harpo Studios, but did find the Show!!! It was blocks & blocks of walking (& getting a little lost), but we found it. We made it to the building, but was told by the very polite security guard that it was not open (of course, it was late), but I realized this may be the closest I would get to Oprah!! LOL

The last day was 1/2 day for the conference & the weather changed. It was the first day that it rained & got really cool. I was glad that this happened on the last day, but felt bad for those who had to deal with the weather after my departure 🙂

I am definitely ready for another trip to Chicago (not during the winter though!!). This is a trip I could & would do again.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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One thought on “Chi-Town 2009!!”

  1. Sounds like a great trip! Well, except the part of leaving your charger behind.

    I would LOVE to visit Chicago and a chance to actual see Oprah too! WOW! You got pretty close girl!

    Have a great holiday weekend!

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