Arlisia Potter family,friends,Holidays,love Happy Valentines Day!!!

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Happy Valentines Day to everyone. May you enjoy your day & spend time with those you love. No matter what, don’t let this one day determine when you show love for those who are important to you. This should be done 365 days of the year (or 366 for Leap Year!).

For those who are single, enjoy the day with other single friends or spend the time focusing on you. Don’t look at it as a day to get down in the dumps! It’s not the only day that you’ve been single! For those who are married, do that something extra that you’ve been putting off “for another day” for your significant other.

Put a smile on your face! Live, love, laugh!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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One thought on “Happy Valentines Day!!!”

  1. I really liked what you said about Valentine’s Day not being the only day that you’re single. People don’t really look at it that way. I had a WONDERFUL VDay and I spent it with someone I love dearly: myself. I was a little disappointed when the guy I’m seeing said he was gonna be out of townm, and I even took it personal because I felt that he purposely planned the trip in order to avoid being here on that day. But…I made plans to rent a couple of movies, eat some sushi and have a drink, and I was so excited about it all day! It was by far the best Valentine’s Day in YEARS. How was your VDay?

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