Arlisia Potter Bible,Daily Scriptures Daily Scriptures 1/9/09

Daily Scriptures 1/9/09

Scripture: Hebrews 13:1 Let brotherly love continue.

Nugget: Today’s times are so difficult, that I think it’s easy to forget the simple things. Even things like brotherly love. We get so caught up in our situations, circumstances, & hardships that we forget others. Our brothers, friends, family, etc. could be out there doing worse than we are & need some help. Not necessarily monetary help, but something as simple as prayer & a kind word!!

Don’t get so caught up in you where you forget those around you who you care about. And even those you don’t know, like the soldiers in Iraq. Stop & say a prayer for them or offer a kind word & listening ear to someone!

Quote: “There is only one way by which the nations can be brought into unity and into peace and into brotherhood. This is not through guns, nor might, nor force, but through the power of God and the love of our fellowmen that is in the hearts of this people.” –Melvin J. Ballard

© Lisi P, 2009


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