Last Quarter of 2008!!!!

One of my friend’s mentioned God answering prayers in the last quarter. Well needless to say, I received the best type of raise: a new job for the New Year!!!! Who would’ve thought He would’ve waited until 12/30/08!! God is too good. It’s been a complete struggle & trying at many times, but thank God for good people around me to encourage me when I was down, that prayed for me when I couldn’t, that sent job listings & referrals my way. There’s so much that they have done that I know w/out them, this could not happen!!

I don’t know if there is truly a way to thank people who have such a positive impact on my life, but I do know that they are by my side no matter what. When I gave notice of the new job, you knew that they felt like they had to job too! These are the people that you keep around, not because of what they do, but because of who they are & who they are to you. They cannot be replaced & if something happens to them or with them, you know that the feelings are reciprocated.

As for the last quarter, I previously wrote about my new car (which happened a month ago) & now I’m writing about my new job. Both being true blessings & then some. I say to anyone who’s seeking something & it’s not coming in the way he/she wants it to, to keep praying & to stay strong. Stay surrounded by those who can uplift you & cry when you cry, laugh when you laugh, & rejoice when you rejoice!!!

Those last quarter blessings are the ones you appreciate even more than the ones that are handed to you. Don’t give up!!! Keep looking, keep seeking, & keep God first. Also, when you get your blessings, don’t forget others that you can be a blessing to as well. God doesn’t bless us only 🙂

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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