
I’m learning to be open to possibilities. There are so many things & people that we close out of our lives because it/they may not come in the way we what it/them to. I’m not referring to the things & people that we should remove from our lives because we know they need to go, but those things that we never consider because of close-mindedness or us blocking our own blessings.

For instance, many people did not originally set out to teach, but are wonderful teachers & have found their callings. This is much better than being stuck in a job that he/she does not really like based upon something they chose to ignore in their hearts that they felt was not right from the beginning.

While listening to Steve Harvey on his show the other day, he mentioned, “Are you giving God something to work with?” Meaning, we may be praying for something & want something so bad, but what are you doing to get it? Are you praying & sitting around? Or is your blessing right there while you’re choosing not to see the possibility right in front of you?

These are just a few thoughts on possibilities. I know there are many things I’ve possibly not considered, but when they arrived they were true blessings to me. Don’t miss the blessing that could be right in front of you or the possibility that will bring it to you!!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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