Daily Scriptures 7/8/15

Scripture: Psalm 90:4 A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. (NIV)

Nugget: God’s timing–it’s so different from our own! Many are praying for changes: new jobs, direction, goals, dreams, relationships, family, etc. Some things appear that they will never come together or happen. However, what may seem like a “long time” to us is just fleeting to God. The way He allows things to come together, most times, is vastly different from how we would do things.

As part of God’s process & timing, it’s possible that He’s removing people from your life, ending friendships or relationships, allowing new ones to start, or even creating that job you’ve been praying for. There’s so much that He’s working on when we feel like there’s “nothing happening”.

Keep praying & be encouraged. God is working it out according to His will & timing.

Quote: “Timing is everything. The things you are praying for will show up when you are most ready for them.” -from TrustGodBro

© Lisi P, 2015


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