Daily Scriptures 3/3/15

Scripture: Romans 9:18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden. (NIV)

Nugget: God’s mercy—He grants it to us daily. He gives it to us according to His will. Most times, we probably don’t recognize it until after something happens—a challenge, an experience, etc. But God’s mercy was there all along.

Just as He sees fit to grant mercy to us, there could be times when mercy isn’t given so freely. Maybe during these times there is a lesson for us to learn, growth to occur, or even God allowing us to decrease while He increases in our situation.

Mercy & grace are extensions of God’s love; thanking Him for these gifts.

Quote: “Lord thank you for your grace and mercy. For keeping me, for loving me, protecting me and always providing. You’re awesome.” -Unknown

© Lisi P, 2015


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