Running Update: I Did It!!!

Today, I did it—ran my first Half Marathon!!! I’m definitely proud, tired, excited, & then some. I have to admit, at some point during the race I thought, “What did I get myself into?” LOL. But the push of my friends, family, running partner & running group kept me going. I also began to imagine the finish line!

This is definitely encouragement for anyone who thinks they cannot do something, but would like to try. I’m by no means a runner, but one of my friends suggested we train for a Half Marathon (that particular race is coming up next year); I wanted to try to do a race a little earlier to see where I was & where I needed to improve. I thank this friend for bringing up the idea—I’ll continue training for both of us & make us proud! 🙂 (She’s been unable to train due to an injury).

My first Half Marathon results:

Time: 2 hours 55 minutes
Total Miles: 13.8
Prize: Self accomplishment & great achievement!

My 1st Pom Poms!!

© Lisi P, 2012

My 1st Medal!!

© Lisi P, 2012

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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4 thoughts on “Running Update: I Did It!!!”

  1. I cannot even begin to tell you how proud of you I am. You GO girl! Such an AWESOME accomplishment.

    You can do all things through Christ Jesus!!!

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