Daily Scriptures 5/21/12

Scripture: Isaiah 14:27 The LORD of Heaven’s Armies has spoken—who can change his plans? When his hand is raised, who can stop him?” (NLT)

Nugget: Whatever God says He’ll do, He will do it. His plans are unbreakable. Of course, we may not know or see the details of how He will bring everything to pass in our lives; but the point is, no one can stop His plans.

We serve a great God; we must trust & know that He’s plans for us have been mapped out since the day we were born. Although things may not happen on our timetable, we shouldn’t doubt God, His works, or plans. God knows how & when to make things happen!

Quote: “God has destiny moments already in your future.” -Joel Osteen

© Lisi P, 2012


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