Off Track???

Have you ever gotten to the place where you’ve felt that you found your way, but then you got off track? Maybe the “off track” was actually the sign that you were on the wrong track to begin with. Hmmm. I’ve been doing a lot of praying & soul searching lately; I truly believe that God is trying to tell me something.

For the next few days or so, I truly plan to rest & to seek His guidance regarding what He wants me to do. Daily, I’m reminding myself that life is so short & I truly must live the life that God intends.

I pray for us all on this journey called life; seek God in all that you do & allow Him to guide you. His plans are endless and, as my cousin reminded me, “Don’t put yourself in a box”. This is so true about God too; we must not put Him in a box either.

There are so many possibilities, opportunities, & experience for us to learn about & to live through.

Be encouraged.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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