A Bit Discouraged…

I mainly try to keep positivity in my grasp. However, there are those few moments when I allow the wrong thoughts to come into my mind. I say “allow” because we are in control of what we think & what we do, so yesterday was my day to get discouraged about my job hunt for better employment.

However, I had to catch myself & find out where this thought came from. Someone I know said, “You’ve been saying that for years” when I mentioned seeking a better job. Hmmmm. Yes, I have & that’s why I went to school to get an advanced degree: for opportunities for the better. Now we know not to let people speak negativity to us, now don’t we? I’m so glad that I have positive thinking to combat the negative that people will bring.

Also, we must always “call things that be not as though they were” (Romans 4:17). So if you’re seeking something, keep praying, stay steadfast, & if you’re the only one seeing the vision, then so-be-it. You have to hang onto mustard seed faith in many situations because that’s the only thing that will get you through.

There’s a song one of my friend’s sings @ church (thanks Alysha!!) called “Encourage Yourself” by Sheri Jones-Moffett. Here’s a video of Sheri singing the song:

It’s an awesome song!! Be encouraged & faithful.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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