A Paid Writer

Yes, got the check for my first freelance writing gig!!! Thanks Black America Web. There’s nothing like getting paid for what you love to do because I would’ve done it for the writing credit alone. I’m definitely praying for more open doors because we all know it’s rough out there!!!

So my next step is to continue working on my book. This is no easy task because, at times, the writing bug hits me & then it goes away (I know, you wouldn’t think this from my blog posts!!), but it’s true. I guess it depends on what my writing mood is & the topic. I just want to do the best I can. Having a published book is on my “bucket list”.

Now what is a “bucket list” you may ask. It’s the list of things you want to do or really would like to do in your lifetime. It’s the things you’ve been putting off until “later” or “when you have the time”. Well all, get to it & start checking off the dreams, desires, & wishes on that list because the next day is not guaranteed. Also, check out the movie, “The Bucket List” with Morgan Freeman. It’s great!!

“Dreams come true when the one who is dreaming wakes up to work.” – Unknown

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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