Arlisia Potter Bible,church,God,positivity,prayer “For” & “About”

“For” & “About”

Recently in Bible Study, my Pastor mentioned how we pray “about” things/people & not “for” things/people. I began to think on these 2 words & realized I’m guilty of what he was saying!! How many times did I say I would pray “about” this thing or that thing, etc. & not pray “for” it? For some reason, I’m looking at “for” as taking a little more time to concentrate & focus on what I’m seeking from God. Maybe “for” is being a little bit more specific because it’s being exact, it’s knowing exactly what I want; “about” seems to be more round-a-about 🙂 A little bit more general.

I looked up the 2 words in Webster’s dictionary:

For: used as a function word to indicate purpose; used as a function word to indicate an intended goal

About: on the verge of; reasonably close to

So in looking at these definitions, I began to see that, yes, “for” is being more specific, you’re stating a purpose for your prayers &/or requests. While with “about” it’s touching on them but not exactly emphasizing that focus. We must take that extra step to zero in on that goal, that wish, that one thing that we’re seeking.

And maybe there will be times when all we can do is pray “about” things and God works them out in the long run. Because I know that there are some things that only God brought to my remembrance to pray about!!!

Just some thoughts to think on 🙂 Check out your “fors” & “abouts”!!!!!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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