
Today’s topic is obstacles. We all have them, right?? The thing is, we have to look at the way we view them. They can be good or bad; meaning, obstacles can turn into your blessings & miracles. Because, we must admit, without them we would pray less, seek God less, seek good advice from true friends less, etc.

How must we turn the obstacles into blessings: see them for what they are. Lessons can be learned, growth can occur, they can be the things that push you to that something better!!! Don’t let obstacles become your downfall, let them become your stepping stone into the direction of better!!! Not even better, THE BEST.

Don’t let things get you down because there has to be a blessing on the other side. I’m learning this myself. Take things as they are, pray for guidance, & watch & see what God can do on your behalf.

Yes, my friends, obstacles: the good & the bad. More importantly, THE GOOD.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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