2008: New Beginnings

With December already here, I focus on what I thought at the beginning of 2008. It’s been said that 8 is the number for new beginnings. So at the beginning of this year, I expected many new things to happen. I expected much from God. Who would’ve known that a lot of this expectation would’ve occurred at the end of the year?

For instance, for my Black Friday shopping, I wasn’t going out to hit the stores, but I purchased my first brand new car. It was truly difficult in letting go of my old ride. I loved CeCe!!! However, I had to make room for Cecil. But I won’t forget the fun of my baby, CeCe. It’s time for new beginnings and new stories. Importantly so, new blessings.

(A pic of what CeCe looked like–this isn’t her, but a sample)

With this being said, don’t count the year over yet. There’s still new beginnings on the horizon and for the next year. Don’t think that the blessings and answered prayers have to come at some point-in-time; they arrive on God’s accord & sometimes when you aren’t ready for them. And there are those that come when you least expect.

(A pic of Cecil–not him, but a sample)

Be open for change, be open to what’s to come. Expect new beginnings each day–don’t wait for the new year!!! I look forward to what’s next 🙂

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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2 thoughts on “2008: New Beginnings”

  1. Congratulations on your new car! It’s niiiiiice!!! And isn’t it funny how you pray for things to happen and just when you think it wasn’t meant to be, God blesses you in the best way?? I really think that I’m going to try your method when I meet new men. I’ve finally gotten to a point in my life where I’m okay with and by myself that I don’t seek the company and comfort of a man anymore. Don’t get me wrong, it’s always nice to have someone to talk to and go out with and even share a few intimate moments with, but there’s no point in wasting your own valuable time when 2 weeks later, they act like they’ve caught amnesia (you know what I mean)! For the first time in a looooong time I jumped into a relationship that I feel is nothing but drama. Granted the guy has a lot of stress going on, but I’m not a punching bag (figuratively speaking) and I don’t expect to have any/all frustrations taken out on me. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t feel as if I owe an explanation, so I hate it for him when his feelings get hurt when he realizes that his phone calls are being ignored. Anyway, please do not hesitate to leave advice or insight about these things. I’m only 22 so I’m sure you can imagine how lost I am lol!

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