Something New…

With 2008 dwindling down, I know that many people make New Years resolutions. Now, I know we see the New Year as a start of something big; it’s the something that pushes us to want to start over. Why not? I’ve done it myself 🙂

I now think & have witnessed that the New Year doesn’t have to always be the new beginning. The something new can occur on a daily, weekly, monthly, or momentary basis. These are the things that happen that make you realize that God is still working in your life. For instance, recently, I got a new car. Now I didn’t want to have to do this, but everything happens for a reason. Since this time many other blessings have come along. I appreciate them & am truly blessed, and am trying to sit back & enjoy the ride.

With this being said, don’t hesitate to do that something new now. Don’t wait until 1/1/09 to get started. I think that my list of resolutions will actually turn into a list of things I’ve never done & want to do sometime in my life. That way, not only am I enjoying the ride, but growing too. Of course I’ll have some things that I want to make right & get right in ’09, but I want the “Something New” as well!!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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One thought on “Something New…”

  1. I think it’s funny when you see the gym and church (why is it the gym and church?) always packed for the first few weeks of the New Year. More people ought to realize that their life is in session right now. It doesn’t start next year. So many people are waiting until the New Year, until they lose weight, until whenever. I don’t make resolutions. I make results, baby!:-)

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