For My Singletons, Pt. 4…..

Hey Singletons!! Here’s the latest. I recently ran into a guy that I met some months back. He had given me his # & I called & left him a message. Needless to say, he never returned the call. I thought nothing of it & kept truckin’!!! 

 So I ran into him while out running an errand. I have to tell you, God shows you some things for sure. This same guy is basically doing nothing & somewhat admitted that he didn’t have a job. What I mean by this is that most people are running around saying that they have some sort of company or some sort of side-hustle that’s not producing too much. So God showed me this in this short “reunion”. 
With this being said, ladies & gents, keep waiting for God to bring the right one to you. While God is working on you, He has to be working on & preparing that person. 
Keep waiting & enjoy the single life. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Enjoy every state you’re in because the next one is on it’s way & you can’t go back!!! 
Until next time. 
~Lisi P. 
© Lisi P, 2009


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