
Just a little update. I’ve been on the new job 3 weeks now. Wow, time is going by quickly. I can’t believe it’s been almost a month. Things are going well. Going through training & learning a lot. I’m up for the challenge & am grateful for the blessing of a new job.

As for everything else, I’m working on my book. Writer’s Block is something else. I don’t have Blogger’s Block at all (LOL), but to churn out the book that you want to be a good one & people to understand, is a challenge. I know other writers feel this way from time-to-time, so it’s natural. I just pray during this process because I know that this is a gift that God’s given to me & it’s meant to be shared.

I remember my Pastor saying that “if you find the one thing that you love to do, you will never work a day again in your life”. I think that for many of us, this thing is the gift (or gifts) that God has given to us that we must learn to use. I know that for me it’s writing. Some may have the gift of counseling, some the gift of reaching children, etc. You never know where you’ll be once this gift is discovered & utilized.

So tap into that inner you that God’s trying to reveal. Touch upon the things He’s put in you that you could be sitting on! Don’t waste the gifts of God.

With this said, I will wait for the Writer’s Block to subside & get to work.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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