Arlisia Potter blogs,friends,growth,life,love,thoughts A little of this & a little of that…

A little of this & a little of that…

Not too much to report right now. I did make it to my 2-month anniversary @ my new job!!! Yay! Time is truly passing quickly. I have to admit, I’m getting used to this new time change. My poor body is on it’s own right now! LOL. I’m sure we’re all feeling the crunch.

An upcoming event for me is a friend’s wedding. I’m so excited for him. It’s always good to see God bringing people together! Weddings are exciting & a blessing 🙂

In other news, I’m learning a lot about being humble. God works on certain things in us & we must take heed. I think humbleness is something we assume we have, but over time, we know it’s a progression in individual growth. I’m glad for the lessons & I’m all about changing for good.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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