Objects in the Mirror…..

We’ve all heard the saying or seen it on car mirrors, “Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.” Wow, this can truly be applied to life. From my blog, you can see that I’ve experienced some great life changes: new job, new car, a home, etc. Well, let me write to you about the “objects” in my life. These objects are actually people; as I would’ve previously called them “friends”.

Yes, they are closer than they appear. For when things were going array in my life, they were right there to take it all in. At times, even being encouraging during my struggle. But for some reason, in recent chain of events, they have completely done a 180. For instance, not showing any excitement or happiness for the blessings that are coming my way. Little do they know, that God blesses us all when He blesses one of us!!! We all get a piece of the pie in some way.

For instance, if I’ve “been there & done that” and am now past that, guess what? I can give you advice on it. For I know that everything I’ve been through & experienced is for someone else as well!! Probably more so in reality!

I guess that we can view these objects as “haters” and people who are very jealous-hearted & envious. It’s sad though; because I definitely thought they would’ve had my back. I guess some have our backs up to a certain point. Funny, how that point can be the point of blessings!

Needless to say, I’m going to keep truckin’ on. The “objects in the mirror” that I tend to keep around are truly closer than they appear: they’ve helped me move, helped me stay strong, encouraged me, & then some. I wouldn’t have made it w/out them. As for the others, the mirrors are now broken šŸ™‚ Reality has arrived & the mirror has never looked the same.

Everyone, keep your true friends close & be the friend to them that they are to you! Good friends are hard to find & foggy mirrors aren’t worth cleaning šŸ™‚

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

Ā© Lisi P, 2009


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One thought on “Objects in the Mirror…..”

  1. Thank you for your (always) positive input. I’m just very discouraged about the (possible) outcome of this situation, and I haven’t felt like this in a loooooooooooong time. I usually take everything, when it comes to a man, like a grain of salt and keep it moving. I don’t know where it all went wrong this time, but it’s not in my power to try to fix it, especially if I don’t know where to start. I really wanted and still want to get to know this man and see where things go, but I haven’t gotten a response from him other than a simple reply to an email that basically said “you are NOT in this alone”, in a week. Oh well…it is what it is, right? I HATE feeling like this! I wanna be my normal happy self, and this situation has me feeling pretty down… šŸ™

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