Arlisia Potter Bible,Daily Scriptures,lessons Daily Scriptures 10/22/09

Daily Scriptures 10/22/09

Scripture: Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Nugget: We can eliminate so many arguments and quarrels before they even start, if we would just follow the simple advice of responding with ‘soft answers’. The problem however is that too many times we could care less about responding with a soft answer; we want to defend ourselves; we feel why the heck should someone speak to us in that tone in the first place; or “it’s all their fault”, etc.

And yes, while those reasons might be valid, the bottom line is that a ‘grievous’ response does not result in peace. If it’s peace we want; if we want to know how to eliminate arguments before they start; if we want to be people that others can’t fight with, all we need to do is respond with soft answers. It’s our choice whether there would be a fight or not – cause it takes two to tango; if you refuse to fight, another person can’t fight with you.

Quote: “Before I speak, I have something important to say.” -Groucho Marx

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