Arlisia Potter Holidays,jobs,life,time Today’s the Day!

Today’s the Day!

Today’s the day that I submitted my last grades for my 1st semester teaching. Wow, it has been interesting and enjoyable. I can say, I’ve learned a lot from my students & I am glad that they’ve walked away from the course with a better understanding of the subject! The next semester doesn’t begin for a few weeks, so on hiatus I go!

I will also attempt to get all of my Christmas cards ready to be mailed today; I’ve sent out a few, but more need to go out in the mail by tomorrow or Tuesday in order to get there by Christmas. Wow, time waits for no one. I feel like the month of December has gotten away from me!

I’m sure that there are many out there still on the hunt for those last minute Christmas gifts; I’m thinking that I may hit up some after Christmas sales to make up for those I haven’t bought gifts for yet.

Good luck with the preparations and shopping everyone! I’m looking forward to Christmas day & spending the time with family. That’s what it’s all about, afterall: Jesus & family. Focusing on what’s truly important!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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