Arlisia Potter break,life,relax,vacation Learning to Relax…

Learning to Relax…

I’ve been on “vacation” for the last few days from work. I’m learning the importance of relaxing & sitting still (somewhat). We all need that break from time-to-time to recoup & to release the stress that work & life brings.

Usually when I have a day or two off, the days fly by, but these days have actually gone by slowly (YES!!). I’ve had time to do me! Get caught up w/ friends & other things. It’s amazing how we will let life roll by & wonder what happened to the time.

Don’t let life pass you by without enjoying the fruits of your labor. There’s a time to work & a time to play; there has to be a balance. Yes, it’s okay to want more in life, but enjoy the things you are working towards & for. Sit back & look at that TV you paid big bucks for, take a look in your closet for the outfit you probably have never worn, go to the movies, spend time w/ that person you’ve been meaning to, & the list can go on & on……

Enjoy life!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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